Ustrasana Benefits & Steps, Camel Pose Yoga Benefits

According to the yoga experts, when you practise Ustrasana steps every day, this helps to give an amazing stretch to all the major muscles of your body. You just need to follow Ustrasana steps correctly, especially if you are practising Ustrasana for the first time.

Ustrasana benefits different muscles of your abdomen, thighs and chest by toning. Ustrasana also helps to tone up and stimulate your limbs.

When you practise Ustrasana steps, and you are a beginner you should try to hold the pose for 20 seconds to prevent straining. Overdo nothing, especially if you are a beginner. 

If you practise Ustrasana steps every day, this will help you get rid of respiratory problems, skeletal, digestion, circulatory systems and lymphatic. People who are suffering from health problems like voice disorders, thyroid, parathyroid disorder, asthma, spondylitis, bronchitis, and diabetes, should practise Ustrasana steps every day.

Doctors also Suggest practising Ustrasana Steps:

People who are facing health issues like dyspepsia, constipation, colitis and obesity of the thighs or arms, are advised to practise Ustrasana steps every day. And people who are facing Genito-urinary disorders of urinary bladder, ovaries, testes and prostate are also advised to practise camel pose every day.

Follow these Ustrasana steps every day:

  1. Kneel on the floor, you can also use a yoga mat. 
  2. If your knees are weak, then you can use some knee pads. 
  3. Make sure your things are perpendicular to the floor and your knees are hip-width apart.
  4. Place your palms on your heels and then push your hips forwards over your knees and open your chest to the ceiling. 
  5. Make sure the chest is lifted. 
  6. While doing this make sure your feet are straight back. 
  7. You need to inhale while you are lifting your chest by pressing your shoulder blades towards the backside of your ribs.
  8. While you are coming back to the starting position do not hurry, bring back your one by one at a time. 
  9. Your back should be arched until your arms are straight. 
  10. Be careful with your neck and avoid straining your neck and try to hold this posture for at least 30 seconds (if you are a beginner) to one minute. 
  11. Avoid extending or flexing your neck; avoid dropping your head backwards, this may lead to injury or strain.

What the Benefits of Ustrasana (Camel Pose)?

  1. Practising ustrasana steps daily helps to lose excess fat on the thighs area. 
  2. Practising ustrasana steps daily helps to give a nice stretch and strength to the back and shoulders. 
  3. Practising ustrasana steps daily helps to improve digestion, bowel movement and expands the abdominal region.
  4. Practising ustrasana steps daily helps to improve bad posture. 
  5. Practising ustrasana steps daily helps to loosen up your vertebrae. 
  6. Ustrasana helps to improve your respiration.
  7. Ustrasana helps to strengthen things and arms. 
  8. Ustrasana helps to get rid of the lower back pain.
  9. Ustrasana helps to improve spine flexibility. 
  10. Ustrasana helps to helps to balance chakras.
  11. Ustrasana helps to stimulate the endocrine glands. 
  12. Practising ustrasana steps daily helps to reduce tension in the ovaries. 
  13. Practising ustrasana steps daily helps to stretch different parts like throat, abdomen, ankles, chest, thighs, and groin.
  14. Practising ustrasana steps daily helps to tone up the pelvis, abdomen and neck organs. 

If you want to achieve overall well-being practising ustrasana steps can be beneficial for you. Yoga asana can benefit you from such problems that do not get cured even after taking medications.

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