Cold and cough happen to everyone, especially with changing seasons. A cold, stuffy, or runny nose can be extremely annoying. If you don’t want to keep popping pills every time you have a stuffy nose, then you should switch to yoga. There are Yoga poses for cold that can help you feel better.
Practicing Yoga when you’re not feeling well can help you feel better and boost your immunity. The best part is that Yoga heals your mind and body. In this article, we have mentioned the best yoga poses for cold and cough symptoms.
These postures will help you open and stretch the muscles, which support the lungs and make breathing easier. There are so many poses you can try, and they don’t require proficiency over Yoga.
Yoga Poses to Practice During Cold
Yoga poses for cold are effective, and they can provide almost instantaneous relief. Let’s start with our list of common yoga poses and stretches for getting rid of cold.
1. Supported Bridge Pose
This pose is extremely easy to perform. Lie down on your back and have your block by your side. Bend your knees, bring your feet close to your hips and keep your feet hip-width apart with your toes pointing forward. The plastic has three different heights and can go length-wise and width-wise beneath you.
If you have a flexible spine, the highest point is good for you. If you’re feeling stiff and weak, lift yourself up to a lower level. Once you’ve got the block placed under you, lift your chest up and place your shoulders under you so you’re not resting on your neck.
Keep your gaze on the ceiling. Take at least 10 deep breaths and when you’re ready, push down with your feet and bring your hips down to the floor.
2. Supported Shoulderstand
To do this yoga pose for cold, you need to repeat the instructions from the first part of the supported Bridge Pose. Once you’ve gotten yourself secured on a block, raise your shoulders, laterally rotating your shoulders underneath you without pulling your shoulders away from your ears. Place your left foot centered on the mat, and lift your right leg into the air.
If you have tight hamstrings, you can keep your leg slightly bent. Do try to be as comfortable as you can on the block. Then lift your left leg up to meet the right. Feel your chest lifted and puffed, do make sure that you’re not resting the weight on your neck. Stay in the pose for at least 30 seconds, then carefully bring one leg lower one after another.
3. Reclining Spinal Twist
Lie down flat on your back, draw your knees into your chest, and rock side to side. After swaying a few times, let both of your knees fall to the left side at the same time. Try your best to stack your knees. Then put your left hand on your right knee and spread your arms straight at shoulder height.
Keep your neck neutral with your gaze on the ceiling but you can close your eyes and rest. This twist will help stretch your intercostal muscles, which run between and around the lunges. Make sure to breathe more deeply. After the next few breaths, carefully lift your knees up and switch onto the second side.
4. Downward Facing Dog
To do this yoga pose, you need to be on your hands and knees. Take your hands forward as much as possible, and full hand print forward of your hands and knee position. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, the creases of your wrists should be parallel to the front edge of your mat.
If you know you have tight shoulders, you should keep your hands slightly wider than shoulder distance and turn your hands a bit toward the edges of your mat. Take some time to peddle your legs, bending one knee as you stretch the opposite heel towards the floor. If you have tighter hamstrings, make sure to bend both of your knees.
Take your gaze back toward your feet and make sure that your feet are a hip-width distance apart and that the inner edges of your feet are parallel to each other. Stay in the same position for at least 30 seconds.
5. Legs Up The Wall
Move your mat close to a wall, and line up the short side of your mat against the wall. Sit sideways on your mat with your left hip touching the wall and carefully by swinging your legs up the wall. Place your hands on your belly or out to your sides in a goal-type position. If you want, you can bend your knees and place your feet flat on the wall, left your hips up, and slide the block under your sacrum (the bony triangle at the bottom of your spine). Make sure that your chest is lifted in the same ways as the supported shoulder stand.
Focus on your breath and stay in the pose for a minimum of 30 seconds. If it’s comfortable, you can stay for as long as 5 minutes. To get out of the pose, bend your knees, lift your hips up, and take the block from under you.