Piles Treatment

Ayurveda is a method of living that brings harmony to your body and life. Using nature-gifted herbs and methods assists you in boosting your immunity and protects you from any internal health problems

Longevity is the means of happiness for the sake of righteousness by one who desires it The killers should have the utmost respect for the precepts of the Ayurveda.

What is Homorrhoids (Piles)?

Piles occur when blood vessels in your anus get enlarged. However, it’s usual to have blood vessels in your anus that play a significant role. But when blood vessels are stretched, this can cause symptoms.

Piles Cause :

Piles Treatment


  • sureshot Ayurveda image
    Bright red blood after you poo

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    An itchy anus
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    Feeling like you still wish to go poo

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    Mucus in your underwear or toilet paper after wiping the bottom
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    Lumps around your anus

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    Pain around your anus
Habits That Can Be Helpful in Curing Your Piles

SureShot Piles Treatment

SureShot Treatment of Piles can done at home by using herbal medicines. Piles Treatment through SureShot Ayurveda provides highly effective results without any type of damage in the healing process.

Habits That Can Be Helpful in Curing Your Piles

  • Eat fiber-rich food
  • Drink lot of fluids
  • Excercise regularly but not more
  • Avoid sitting for long duration

Frequently Asked Questions


The serious stage of piles, also known as hemorrhoids, is Stage 4 (Grade IV), where the hemorrhoids are always prolapsed and cannot be manually pushed back into the rectum. This stage typically involves severe pain, bleeding, and significant discomfort, often requiring medical intervention, including surgery..accordion-body

Spicy food, alcohol, dairy products, unripe fruits, refined grains, high-salted foods, deep-fried and processed items, etc. can cause piles. .accordion-body

You can self-assess for possible hemorrhoids by checking for symptoms like rectal bleeding, itching, pain during bowel movements, and feeling of lumps around the anus. However, a definitive diagnosis and appropriate treatment should come from a healthcare professional, so it's important to consult a doctor for a thorough evaluation. .accordion-body

Bright red blood after a poo, itchy anus, lumps across the anus, pain around the anus, etc. are the symptoms of Piles. .accordion-body

You can self-assess for possible hemorrhoids by checking for symptoms like rectal bleeding, itching, pain during bowel movements, and feeling of lumps around the anus. However, a definitive diagnosis and appropriate treatment should come from a healthcare professional, so it's important to consult a doctor for a thorough evaluation. .accordion-body

Foods rich in fibre, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, are good for piles as they help soften stools and prevent constipation, reducing strain during bowel movements. Additionally, drinking plenty of water is essential to maintain hydration and ease the passage of stool, promoting overall digestive health..accordion-body

Yes, piles are 100% curable with SureShot Ayurveda herbal medicines..accordion-body

To alleviate or prevent hemorrhoids, maintain a high-fiber diet drink plenty of water to soften stools, and avoid straining during bowel movements. Additionally, engage in regular physical activity to promote healthy bowel function and consider over-the-counter creams or suppositories for symptom relief, but consult a doctor for severe cases. .accordion-body

Yes, you are able to place online herbal medicines at SureShot Ayurveda. .accordion-body
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From 3-5 years, am suffering from slipped disc problem and later I came to know that it is a sciatica problem. I went through a lot of treatment from different places but didn’t get relief from anywhere until I came to know about SureShot Ayurveda through FB, I talked to their expert team and now I feel so relieved.

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Jaspal Kour

मैं पिछले 16 वर्षों से रुमेटीइड गठिया से पीड़ित हूँ। मुझे बेहतरीन चिकित्सा संस्थान ने बताया है कि यह समस्या ठीक नहीं हो सकती और दवाएँ लेने के बाद भी यह और अधिक बढ़ जाती है। एक महीने पहले ही मुझे श्योरशॉट आयुर्वेद के बारे में पता चला, आप विश्वास नहीं करेंगे, मैंने उनके विशेषज्ञों से बात की और उन्होंने मुझे अपनी हर्बल दवाएं दीं। इन दवाओं से मुझे बहुत राहत महसूस हो रही है और अभी एक महीना ही हुआ है।

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Sakshi sharma

SureShot Ayurveda has a few uniqueness that’s appealing to me. Mainly, people don’t like to use herbs but they use naturally hand-picked herbs under the supervision of their expert herbalist and that is why they can maintain the quality of their products. Where in modern science there are no options remains after surgery, over there SSA medicines can be extremely beneficial.

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पिछले 3 साल से मुझे स्लिप डिस्क की समस्या थी और बाद में डॉक्टर ने मुझे बताया कि यह साइटिका की समस्या है और हमें ऑपरेशन करने की सलाह दी। इसके बाद हम घबरा गए और फिर हमें फेसबुक से अचूक आयुर्वेद के बारे में पता चला। और, फिर हमने उनकी हर्बल दवाएं खरीदीं और इससे मुझे राहत मिली है। मैं सभी को एसएसए का सुझाव देता हूं, कोई दुष्प्रभाव न देखें।

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Seema Choudhary

Opening Hours

You can also visit our office for medical consultation during working hours detailed below.

Monday - Saturday : 10am - 8pm
Sunday : closed

Phone no : +919548527421

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