We also know Parsvakonasana as extended side angle pose. The meaning of Parsvakonasana side angle pose is the combination of two words Parsva ‘plank’ and Kona means ‘angle.’
Before we jump to the Parsvakonasana steps, we must know the preparatory poses of Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose) this will help to prepare your body to practise this asana with more ease.
Here are some preparatory poses for Parsvakonasana:
1. Siddhasana
2. Upavistha Konasana
3. Virabhadrasana II
4. Supta Padangusthasana
5. Supta Baddha Konasana
6. Adho Mukha Svanasana
7. Virasana
8. Prasarita Padottanasana
9. Utthita Trikonasana
10. Supta Virasana
Now, we will discuss some cautions that you should keep in mind before you practise Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose)
After practising Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose) you might face some problems like high or low blood pressure, insomnia and headaches.
But this does not mean you cannot practise this asana, you see any such problem, just consult your doctor or a yoga expert. And do what is best for you according to your doctor and yoga trainer.
Parsvakonasana steps: (extended side angle pose)
1. First Parsvakonasana step is to stand straight (back should straight), your legs should be a meter-and-a-half- apart.
2. Second, Parsvakonasana step is to stretch both your hands in the outward direction. You need to inhale while doing this.
3. Third Parsvakonasana step, you need to bend your left leg at the knee joint and then; you need to turn your right foot to your right side. When you are doing this, your hand right hand should touch the mat or the ground. Your left hand should be stretched and raised straight to form a right angle.
4. Fourth, Parsvakonasana step, you need to look upwards while practising the third steps.
5. Fifth, Parsvakonasana step, try to hold this extended side angle pose for at least 30 seconds that is 5 to 10 breathe.
6. Come back to the starting position after practising the extended side angle pose.
7. You need to follow the same Parsvakonasana steps on the other side.
Try to balance your weight properly on both the sides of your feet and avoid any injury while practising Parsvakonasana steps, try to follow each step carefully to get the maximum Parsvakonasana benefits.
After practising Parsvakonasana steps you should follow up with other asanas like Utthita Parsvakonasana. Utthita Parsvakonasana is a great yoga asana to practise at the beginning of the standing asana sequence. You can also practise this asana before a wide-open groin pose.
What are the benefits of Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose):
1. Parsvakonasana benefits, to treat stomach-related problems like constipation.
2. Its benefits you back and help to treat back pain problem.
3. Parsvakonasana benefits to strengthen your ankles, legs and knees.
4. Parsvakonasana benefits your hamstring muscles by giving a good stretch.
5. Parsvakonasana benefits your abdominal muscles and helps to tone those muscles.
Things to keep in mind:
1. If you are suffering from high blood pressure problem or low blood pressure problem, it is better to always consult your doctor and yoga instructor first and only then practise Parsvakonasana steps.
2. If you are suffering from severe spondylosis, then you should avoid practising Parsvakonasana steps.
3. If you are suffering from headache problem then, avoid practising Parsvakonasana steps.
4. It is better to practise yoga in the early morning because Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose) and other yoga asanas energize your body, and this could a problem if you are suffering from insomnia and practising yoga asanas in the evening time.
5. When you practise Parsvakonasana steps, be more careful with your knees and prevent any injury. So, these are the points that can help you avoid any complication while practising Parsvakonasana steps. Also, the benefits of Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose) will help you practise this asana daily.