When we talk about practising yoga asanas to get instant relief from kidney stone pain the first thing that comes to our mind how yoga can be helpful to achieve this?
Yoga is known to be one of the most ancient ways of guiding people towards the well-being of their mind and body and to bring a balance of thoughts and emotions to work at your optimum level.
Yoga also includes providing some of the natural remedies for many diseases. What are the side-effects of this? None.
However, it is also mandatory to consult your doctor first and then go for yoga asanas because in case you are suffering from a certain health problem or diseases you may not do some of the yoga asanas; may lead to more complications.
Yoga asanas not only help to get rid of kidney stones and to get instant relief from kidney stone pain but yoga asanas are helpful to boost your other organs, limbs and to increase your immunity which helps you further to revitalize.
The reason it is advisable to drink enough fluid to flush out the waste from the blood is to prevent our kidney from the formation of kidney stones. Not only this our kidneys plays a vital role in the digestive system.
When you drink enough fluid every day you ensuring to stop the excess storage of urea and calcium which leads to the formation of kidney stones.
Kidney Stones Symptoms
- Profuse sweating problem.
- This may lead to severe back pain.
- Urge to urinate continuously.
- You may feel pain in the side area of your tummy.
- Kidney stones may lead to fever.
- Vomiting and nausea problem.
- You may see blood during urination.
- Men may feel pain in their testicles.
Top 7 Yoga Asana to Treat Kidney Stones & Relieve Pain Instantly
1. Ustra Asana: This asana is also known as camel pose. This yoga pose is really good to prevent kidney stones problem. If a person is suffering from kidney stones problem then this asana can be helpful to get rid of the symptoms. When you perform this asana this helps to provide fresh oxygen to the kidneys and also help to detox kidneys.

2. Uttanpadasana: This yoga asana is amazing to strengthen muscles. Uttanpadasana help to strengthen the pelvic area, legs, abdomen and lower back. When a person practises this asana this helps to contract the abdominal muscles which further help to boost the functioning of our pancreas, liver and kidneys.

3. Pawanmukta Asana: This asana is also known as the Wind-relieving pose to keep your kidneys healthy. This yoga asana is amazing to boost the functioning of our digestive system. Pawanmukta asana helps to reduce the effect of constipation and for kidney stone treatment.
Pawanmukta is also helpful to improve digestive system functioning.

4. Bhujanga Asana: Bhujanga asana is also known as Cobra pose because when you practise this asana your body shape look like a cobra. Bhujanga asana is amazing to stimulate the organs of our abdominal region and to enhance the functioning of our kidneys. Bhujanga asana is amazing to improve blood circulation.

5. Dhanur Asana: Dhanur asana is also known as a Bow pose asana for kidney stones. Dhanur asana mainly increases the functioning of our kidneys and help to reduce the symptoms of kidney stones.

6. Garuda Asana: Garuda Asana is really helpful to increase the strength of the lower body muscles and to improve the body balance. Garuda Asana is also great to increase the blood circulation in the body which further help to boost the functioning of our kidneys.

7. Ardha Matsyendrasana: Ardha Matsyendrasana is also known as a half spinal twist pose. This asana is great for the people who are suffering from obesity problem. Ardha Matsyendrasana is amazing to get rid of kidney stones problem.

Ardha Matsyendrasana improves the functioning of liver, kidneys, pancreas and stomach. This Asans is great for the people who are suffering from urinary disorder and obesity.
We hope that the above information was helpful for you. It is advisable to consult a doctor in case you want to get rid of your kidney stones naturally. When your doctor approves only then perform these yoga asanas.