Women Need To Take Extra Care When It Comes To Health!

It’s time to know about your health and see what are essential nutrients you are missing in your day-to-day life. When it comes to health, many people ignore a properly balanced diet or foods that are really good for their health. 

Nowadays, when you get so many options in the market that claim to be healthy are not as healthy as they say and most of these packed healthy foods are filled with excess salt, sugar and preservatives.

No matter what your age, having foods that are essential to fulfil day-to-day nutrition requirements is important. But, women between the age of 30 to 50 need to take extra care when it comes to food. In fact, the food choices they will make throughout this period will help them deal with various health problems that are common in this age group.

Let’s figure out some of the foods that are full of essential nutrients and you should definitely add these foods to your diet. 

When we say healthy food, what comes to your mind? Fruits and green vegetables? Healthy foods are those that contain all those essential nutrients for your system to function at its best. 

These foods help your system retain essential fats, protein, water, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and energy-efficient that come with a balanced diet. 

Facts You Should Know:

Only one out of ten adults fulfil the daily requirements of vegetables and fruits. The reason junk foods are consumed in tons of quantity all over the world is because some of the biggest food companies are backing such foods items that are low in nutrition. Fresh fruits and vegetables do not make as much profit as processed unhealthy food. No doubt these food companies campaigned against the public health decisions like the removal of junk food from schools. 

Junk foods are nothing but processed food from crops like soybeans, corn, and wheat. These processed food items lack nutrients and are filled with calories and preservatives. But they are sold in a way that it is difficult to understand whether these food products are healthy or unhealthy. 

Things you should know about food labels: 

As per a report, nearly 60% of consumers face a hard time differentiating healthy and unhealthy food items. 

One thing you should keep in mind when you are buying food items is to look at the serving size. If two small cookies contain 260 calories, you should understand the consequences. 

There are so many things that can make you feel like buying these products like all-natural, no sugar, whole wheat, zero trans fats, but in reality, these food items have no nutritional value.

These food items are filled with saturated fats, sugar, salt and still market their products in a way that you forget about all the added calories and harmful preservatives that are damaging to your system.

Facts You Should Know About Nutrition:

  1. Sugar: Women should not consume more than 25g of sugar in a day which is 6 tablespoons a day.
  2. Sodium: Women should not consume more than 3.8g of sodium in a day, which is 1500 mg.
  3. Protein: Females who exercise for less than 30 minutes every day should have nearly 46g of protein in a day.
  4. Vitamins: Naturally occurring vitamins are the best option for you, but if it is necessary, you can also have added vitamins after consulting your doctor.
  5. Fats: One should have 50g of healthy fats on a daily basis.
  6. Calories: Females who want to maintain a healthy weight should consume around 2000 to 1500 calories on a daily basis.

If you are someone who lies between the age group of 35 to 50 and you are not aware of the foods that are good and bad for you, this can have a huge impact on your overall health and when we say overall health, we mean by both physical and mental health. 

What type of food you eat on a daily basis has an impact on your physical as well as mental health and therefore it is better to choose healthy food options and have seasonal fruits and vegetables daily to get essential nutrients. Ever noticed? When you eat something healthy, your stomach, your body and your mind everything seems so much better. 

The reason women need to pay a little more attention when it comes to food choices is that they not only give birth to a newborn, but that also comes up with so many changes in their body that demand more nourishment and care. Women experience more hormonal changes during their lifetime, and if they do not take care of what they eat, this can lead to health problems in a long run. You may not see any issue in the starting, but after a while, you will face some of the consequences of your food choices. 

So, try to add peas, starches, dark green leafy vegetables, colourful vegetables, beans that are easily available and seasonal. 

  • Try t have at least one seasonal fruit on a daily basis. 
  • Try to add whole grains like brown rice, corn, quinoa, and millet. 
  • Add ghee and healthy fats like nuts to your diet. 
  • Try to have nuts, eggs, soy products and meat. 
  • Home set curd is amazing for your gut health. 
  • Do not go on bizarre detox diets; it is not healthy for your system. 
  • Make sure you add seasonal vegetables and fruits to your day-to-day diet. 

Do you know? Only one-fourth of the population is eating the recommended amounts of vegetables and fruits, healthy oils and dairy. Some people are consuming more protein grains than required, and then some people are not eating the required daily amount. 

The best way to kick start a healthy food habit is to have home-cooked food instead of having anything that comes in packets. It is also good to add healthy fats to your diet and make sure you choose old traditional healthy fats like ghee, homemade butter, milk, dry fruits and sweet potatoes, etc. 

Good fats in your body generate energy, and fats are essential to absorb some minerals, vitamins, cell membranes. Your body also needs fat to prevent inflammation, blood clotting, and muscle movement. 

Vitamins for Women: 

No doubt, women need all types of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients, but certain vitamins are highly ignored and many women lack these essential vitamins like

  1. Calcium.
  2. Iron. 
  3. Omega-3 fatty acids. 

However, fulfilling your daily nutrition requirement from the food you eat is the best and more sustainable way to remain healthy. But, in case you are deficient in certain essential vitamins or minerals, you might need a supplement to prevent the risk factors related to it and make sure you always consult a doctor before you take any medicines. 

Some people think having some supplement to what they are eating will improve their health, but nothing can beat the natural source of nutrition that comes in the form of fruits and vegetables.

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