Practice Pranayama To Reduce Stress & Anxiety!

The inability to deal with a stressful situation or sometimes your compulsive behaviour leads to stressful situations and in both ways you are the one who suffers. 

In order to build muscle strength you exercise, just like that are certain yoga asanas that can be helpful to reduce your stress and anxiety levels, like pranayama. 

To get the benefits of pranayama, you need to practice it every day, which means at least five to six times a week. 

Stress and anxiety can happen because of various reasons, like excess work pressure in the office, problems in relation with the close ones or self-destructive habits, etc. 

If you are stressed or unhappy, this not only reduces your work performance and your relationship with your close one. Therefore, certain yoga asanas might be helpful to reduce your stress and anxiety levels. 

What do you understand about Pranayama? 

It is a yogic practise of breathing that is extremely effective to reduce stress and anxiety levels. These yoga asanas are also effective to bring balance to the mind. There are various types of pranayama to control breathing. 

According to the yoga philosophy, prana means life force energy within you. If you practice certain types of pranayama to control your breath, this can be helpful to manage life force energies within you. 

How is Pranayama Beneficial? 

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to improve the oxygenation process through your system. 

When the oxygenation process is good, this improves the blood circulation (along with the nutrients) to each part of your body and brain. This process also helps to enhance your mood. In short, when you practice pranayama, it is like a full-body workout for your brain and improves mental health. 

People with high blood pressure problems should practice pranayama to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and boost substantial energy. 

Once you start deep breathing exercises, you will experience a more calm mind, less stress and unnecessary psychological drama. 

Effective Pranayama Exercises to Reduce Stress:

Mainly, there are three types of pranayama or say breathing exercises that are helpful to reduce stress and anxiety. 

1. Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodana) 

2. Skull shining breath (Kapalbhati pranayama)

3. Three-part breathing technique

It is best to practice these three types of pranayama exercises early in the morning. Start your day with stress-free exercises that can be helpful for you throughout the day. It is better to do these exercises on an empty stomach. 

The maximum time to practise pranayama is five minutes. You can also increase this time to ten minutes. Practising pranayama for even five to ten minutes a day can be helpful for your mental health.

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