Paneer For Weight Loss – Know the 5 Benefits of Paneer

If you want to lose weight but you also love having junk food, you need to choose one. You can not eat burgers, pizzas, chowmein and expect to lose weight. 

You should have nutrient-dense foods and keep a check on your calories intake. You can also have foods that are dense in nutrients. Protein-rich foods are also great to lose weight and one of the best sources of protein is paneer.

Therefore, today we will discuss the benefits of paneer. And, how paneer can be helpful in your weight loss journey. 

Protein takes a long time to digest and therefore adding protein-rich sources to your meals is a must. It is even great to cut the sugar intake completely. Yes, sugar has no role in your health. If you really crave something you can use stevia and sugar-free. 

Benefits of Paneer in Weight Loss:

1.     Excellent source of protein:

Cottage cheese is a great option to have as a protein-dense source. But, you also need to know that the type of milk plays an important role. If the paneer is churned from full cream milk, the paneer will be high on protein and fat as well. The best milk to churn paneer is to use cow milk because cow milk contains the maximum amount of casein protein compared to other types of milk. 100 grams of paneer has 11 gm of protein including other essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium and essential minerals. One more useful thing about paneer is that you can have it in raw form. 

2.      Adequate amount of calories:

If you want to have more protein and less fat so, it is best to not use full-fat milk. Also, you should use grilling and baking techniques to avoid having fried paneer and to get the maximum benefits of paneer. If you like paneer tikka, it is the second-best option after raw paneer because it is not fried.

3.      Good source of fats:

Yes, just because you want to lose weight does not mean you can not have good fats. Our body needs good fats and paneer is a good source of fats, including other beneficial nutrients. If you have good fats in a controlled way, this could be helpful to sustain your weight loss journey. Having a sufficient amount of good fats helps your system to burn fat instead of energy. 

4.      Low in Carbohydrates:

Looking for a high protein and low carb food option? Then, cottage cheese (paneer) is a really good option because 100 grams of cottage cheese contain 1.2 grams of carbohydrates. If you are having a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, then this could be really beneficial for you because carbs metabolise faster. 

5.      Excellent source of calcium:

100 grams of paneer has 83 grams of calcium and therefore if someone is calcium deficient adding paneer to your meals is a really good option. Also, calcium is essential for strong teeth and bones and calcium also helps to burn fat. Calcium also helps to improve your metabolism. 

Most people who do not consume non-veg need to add other essential protein-rich sources to fulfil the daily requirement of protein.

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