Why Is Over Exercising Bad In Ayurveda?

When you exercise, you sweat, your heart rate increases and you also feel your body a little light. Most people are aware of the benefits of exercise, but many of you might not know that you might harm your system if you over-exercise.

Therefore, today we will discuss how over-exercising affects your body. And why it is not right to over-exercise. People might be aware of their health and fitness, but many people start exercising more than it’s necessary. 

Excessive workouts can cause health complications and aches and therefore it is necessary for people to understand the limit to their workout session. 

Is Walking Enough? 

According to Dr Dixa Bhavsar, Ayurvedic practitioners, if your body feels exhausted after doing some activities that are called Vyayama (exercise). 

Physical activities and exercises are helpful to improve your physical strength and exercise also helps to improve your digestive fire and your metabolism rate. 

If you perform a physical activity that increases your heart rate, respiration rate and you sweat and feel lightness in the body, this means you are doing exercise. 

What are the Benefits of exercising? 

According to Dr Bhavsar, exercise helps nourish the overall body and improves lustre and body musculature.

“It also improves digestive power, body stability, lightness, removes laziness, brings about tolerance towards tiredness, thirst, hot or cold weather. Exercise begets health. There is no other thing as effective as an exercise to cure obesity,” she said.

Is There Any Limit to exercising?

If you are not over-exercising, it is completely fine, because moderation is the key. When you exercise, your body needs time to recover, and that is why you need to take rest and nourish your system with foods that are helpful in that rest and recovery period. 

As per Dr Bhavsar, “Maximum exercise can be done in the cold season until one’s half strength. This is indicated by sweating on the forehead, palms and thighs. If we over-indulge in exercise, beyond our body’s capacity without taking a nutritious diet, it can lead to severe Vata aggravation, tissue loss and poor Agni.”

Is Exercise Good for Everyone? 

It is not okay for all of us to lift heavy weights like people who face health problems due to increased Pitta and Vata, people with bad digestion, old age people and children. 

This means such people should not do any exercise. It is better for such people to do light exercises like sukshma Vayama and pranayamas. 

However, children, these days are more involved in mobile games than running and playing with their friends, which has drastically changed their physical activity during their growing age. Therefore, it is the parent’s responsibility to prevent their children from spending most of their time playing on the phone. 

Running is great for children at a growing age. And old people should walk for at least 20 minutes, especially after having their meals or they can practice yoga asanas like pranayamas. 

People who feel like their digestive system is not working properly should practice vajrasana, pranayamas or walk for 15 to 30 minutes after every meal. It is also good if they fix their mealtime. 

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