Your Nail Abnormalities Can Tell A Lot Related To Your Health!

With ageing, your nails might show some of the symptoms that could be a sign of some health-related issues. Therefore, today we will discuss some of the issues that can help you identify nail disorders. 

Nail abnormalities like discolouration, spots on nails and nail separation. These symptoms can happen due to infections, viral warts, and some medicines also lead to such problems. 

There could be some health-related problem that might lead to a change in nail colour, and it is not easy to interpret these changes. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor if you see some of the uncommon symptoms because this might need a physical examination or test to actually understand the cause behind your nail abnormalities

If you nail abnormalities are happening due to some medications, deficiency and health problem, you should know the underlining cause behind such nail disorders. Sometimes nail disorders happen due to some specific diseases, and your doctor can help you diagnose the reason behind these nail disorders. 

When to see a doctor? 

  1. If you notice some changes in the thickness of your nails. 
  2. If you notice any changes in the shape of your nails. 
  3. If you notice any changes in the colour of your nails. 
  4. If you see your nails are becoming brittle. 
  5. If you notice bleeding on the sides of your nails. 
  6. If you feel pain around your nails. 
  7. If you notice redness and swelling around nails. 
  8. If you notice that your nails are separating from the skin. 
  9. If you notice that your nails are becoming pitted. 

So, if you see such symptoms and changes in your nails, it is better to consult your doctors instead of ignoring and waiting for a worse scenario. Also, the above symptoms could happen to various types of nail diseases.  

Conditions Related to Nail Abnormalities 

Including a lot of various factors related to nail disorders, one could be malnourishment. 

  1. Scarlet fever, measles (high fever), and mumps like diseases can lead to nail disorders. The second disease that can lead to nail disorder is peripheral vascular disease. 
  2. The third disease that can lead to nail disorder is pneumonia. 
  3. The fourth disease that can lead to nail disorders is uncontrolled diabetes. 
  4. The fifth disease that can lead to nail disorders is zinc deficiency. 

Diseases that can cause nail clubbing are: 

When your nails become thick and this leads to nail curving near to your fingertips, this condition is called nail clubbing and it takes years for this condition to happen. This condition happens when your blood lacks a normal oxygen level. 

  1. Liver disease. 
  2. Cardiovascular disease.
  3. Pulmonary Diseases. 
  4. AIDS.
  5. Inflammatory bowel disease. 

What is Koilonychia?

Koilonychia (spooning) is a nail disorder when your nails scoop outwards and ridge-like a spoon. Therefore, this condition is also known as spooning. In this condition, the nails scoop so much that it can hold a drop of water as well. 

Koilonychia happens due to: 

  1. Lack of iron in your body. 
  2. If you are suffering from heart disease. 
  3. If you are suffering from a liver disorder like hemochromatosis.
  4. If you are suffering from an autoimmune disorder like lupus erythematosus. This condition causes inflammation.
  5. If you are suffering from hypothyroidism. 
  6. If you are suffering from a blood circulation problem like Raynaud’s disease. 


A white spot on your nails is a nail disorder that generally happens due to nutritional deficiencies, infection, systematic or metabolic diseases, and some medicines. This condition is called Leukonychia. 

Mee’s lines: 

This is a nail disease can happen due to arsenic poisoning. In this problem, you will notice white lines on your nails. To check whether there is arsenic in your body or not, the doctor will take tissues and hair samples. 

Yellow Nails: 

This nail disorder happens due to excess thickness and when your nails stop growing as fast as normally they normally do, and there are other various reasons like,

  1. Swelling in your hands due to lymphedema.
  2. Illness related to respiration like chronic bronchitis. 
  3. When your chest fills with cavity and your lungs with fluid due to pleural effusions. 
  4. If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. 

Tips to take care of your nail abnormalities are:

  1. If you have a habit of pulling, biting or tearing your nail, it is harmful to your nails. 
  2. Try to keep your nails clean and dry. 
  3. Whenever you want to trim your nail, do it just after bathing because at that point your nails are soft and use nails clippers. 
  4. If you want to round the tips of your nails, do it gently with good, sharp manicure scissors. 
  5. If you are someone who has weak and brittle nails, it is better to keep your nails short to prevent breakage. You can also use good oils and lotions to moisturizer your nails cuticles before you go to bed. 

We hope this blog is helpful and informative for people who are suffering from some type of nail abnormalities. Understanding the actual cause behind your nail disorders and therefore, it is useful to know certain types of nail diseases so that something happens you know when to see a doctor.

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