PCOD or PCOS are conditions that can cause various health problems if not treated on time. PCOS – Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal balance that can affect your regular periods along with other problems.
If your body produces more androgens (male hormones) than the normal level this leads to a PCOD problem. Androgens hormones are already present in a female body but in small quantities. This hormone is resistant to insulin and insulin hormones regulate the blood sugar level in your body.
This imbalance of hormones leads to multiple follicles on an ovary that is known as PCOS. PCOS is one of the major causes that lead to irregular periods.
What are the Symptoms of PCOS?
1. Infertility: Just like irregular periods, infertility is also a major symptom of PCOS.
2. Irregular periods: If you are suffering from irregular periods, extreme cramps, and pain, it is important to consult a gynaecologist.
3. Acne problem: Yes, PCOS can also cause severe acne and might not respond to treatments. But, this also depends on person to person.
4. Patches on skin: This is a problem where you will see thick, dark patches on your skin.
5. Facial hair: Women who are suffering from pcos might also see overgrowth of facial hair like beard hairs and mustaches.
Even follicles on an ovary are symptoms of PCOS, but this symptom is revealed after the medical examination.
PCOS and Irregular Periods:
One ovulation means a menstrual cycle of 28 days. In these 28 days of the cycle, the ovary releases the egg halfway through near to 14 days.
One menstrual cycle lasts for 21 to 35 days and this is normal if your bleeding lasts for two to seven days max.
But if you are suffering from PCOS, your periods might not come based on the ovulation period because of the imbalance of hormones.
In PCOD, the hormonal imbalance leads to restriction in the ovulation process and this further leads to the heavy build-up of the uterine lining. And, when the heavy uterine lining shreds, this results in heavy bleeding.
You might also face extreme pain and period cramps because of the heavy bleeding.
PCOS and Regular Periods:
There are cases where the periods are regular but women are suffering from PCOS. They might be facing the other symptoms of PCOS but their periods will be regular.
If you are suffering from three major symptoms like insulin resistance, high androgen level, and multiple follicles on the ovary, you are suffering from PCOS.
And, if your periods are regular along with the other symptoms of PCOS this could happen because of other disorders or different hormonal imbalances.
Health Problems in PCOS:
1. Risk of stroke.
2. Diabetes problem.
3. Lack of sleep due to sleep apnea.
4. Heart-related problems.
5. Anxiety and depression.
6. This may lead to endometrial cancer.
How to cure irregular periods with PCOS problems?
You can consult a gynaecologist and have prescribed medications and make lifestyle changes starting with your diet.
Along with such changes, you can also follow some of the following steps to avoid severe symptoms and irregular periods.
1. Reduce stress level: When you are stressed, this leads to the production of androgens. Therefore, it is important to reduce your stress level to regulate hormone levels. You can also try various yoga asanas and exercises and meditation to stay fit mentally and physically. And, if you can, try to distance yourself from people who are making you stressed.
2. Maintain a healthy weight: PCOD can be more problematic if you are overweight or underweight. People who are overweight may produce more estrogen that restricts the ovulation process. And if you are underweight, your system might not produce sufficient estrogen that is important to build the uterine lining.
3. Well-Balanced diet: One of the best things you can do to fight any disease or health. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and do not overcook your food to get the maximum benefits. Include all types of foods that are high in nutrition value like good fats, green leafy vegetables, fatty fish, dried beans and lentils, high fibre foods and seasonal fruits and vegetables.
And, definitely, the most important thing is to consult a doctor to not ignore your pcos condition and take proper medications. And, make changes to your foods choices and exercise more to maintain a healthy weight.