Slipped disc or say herniated disc can happen anywhere in your spine. However, a ruptured disc or say slipped disc is less painful compared to a bulging disc.
Herniated disc and ruptured disc both are the same, and slipped disc is a non-medical term for this condition.
Your spine consists of intervertebral discs. Each of your vertebral bones are connected to strong ligaments. These discs work as a shock absorber cushioning to prevent your spine from various injuries.
But, ageing os process that can lead to stiffness in the discs that can form a crack in the hardened layer of your cartilage. And, sometimes the jelly-like substance leaks out that can lead to inflammation.
Signs of a Slipped Disc:
- Severe pain in the back.
- Pain while making any movement or motion like coughing, sneezing, or bending.
- Feel relief while lying down.
- You feel pain while sitting and standing due to the pressure on nerves.
It is not easy to detect the symptoms of a slipped disc. However, the location of your pain can be helpful to detect your slipped disc area.
You may also feel numbness, pain and tingling in the affected areas.
People who feel pain after walking for a short distance might have a lumbar region slipped disc.
If someone is experiencing slipped disc in the lower back region then they will experience symptoms like:
- Weakness in the legs.
- Pain in the foot or toes
You may also feel pain in the upper back and neck if you have slipped discs. When the slipped disc occur in the upper back area you may experience symptoms like
- Numbness in the hands.
- Numbness, weakness and tingling in the arms and shoulders.
If the slipped disc occur in the mid back area then you may experience symptoms like:
Sadly, you may experience pain while laughing.
Weakness, sensitivity, tingling and numbness in your leg.
If you experience these symptoms it is better to consult a doctor. Also, do not wait for a miracle to happen if these symptoms do not go away within 4 to 6 weeks time. It is best to consult a doctor without wasting any more time.
It is even better if you start your treatment in the initial stage. This will help to prevent severe conditions.
Slipped Disc Diagnosis:
The doctor may perform some of the physical examinations to check muscle strength, your ability to walk, your reflexes.
Also, the doctor might perform some of the imaging tests to detect herniated or slipped discs.
Tests for slipped disc:
- CT Scan
- Myelogram injected dye in your spinal fluids.
- X-rays to figure out tumour, fracture, misalignment, and infection.
- Electromyogram test to find nerve damage.
If you do not get proper treatment for your slipped disc this can lead to permanent nerve damage, loss of bowel or bladder control.
Slipped Disc Treatment:
- The doctor will prescribe you some of the medications to provide some relief like OTC medications: naproxen, and ibuprofen. This also helps to reduce inflammation, that helps to heal your back and nerves.
- If the patient does not get relief from medications the doctor might suggest some physical therapy ro reduce pain.
- At the end, if the patient does not get relief from medications and physical therapy, the doctor may suggest surgery.
If you are suffering from a herniated disc or slipped disc consult a doctor and do not ignore your symptoms.