10 Exercises That Help in Getting Rid of Knee Pain

Our legs take on the complete weight of our bodies, so it makes sense that you’d feel some discomfort every once in a while. Be it a professional athlete, someone who exercises daily, everyone can suffer from knee pain. As a matter of fact, knee pain is so common that over 20 million people suffer every year from it. There are so many reasons for knee pain to happen, that includes:

  • overuse
  • osteoarthritis
  • tendinitis
  • bursitis
  • meniscus tears
  • sprained knee ligaments

Fortunately, knee pain is treatable and can be easily prevented with some small changes, including stretching and strengthening exercises. To help those who suffer from knee pain, we have created this guide of best exercises that can reduce knee pain. 

Relation Between Exercise and Knee Pain

If your knee pain is because of an old injury, surgery, or arthritis, simple stretching and strengthening exercises can prevent the pain. Most people believe that exercising on an injured knee or a knee with arthritis can make it worse, but the truth is different. Regularly exercising can prevent your knee from stiffening up. If your knee gets stiff, then it can make the pain worse. 

Regularly stretching and strengthening exercises can make your muscles stronger, and support the knee joints. If you have stronger muscles, then you can reduce the impact and stress on your knee, this can help the knee joints get a better range of motion. 

But before you jump onto an exercise regime, make sure to talk to your doctor or physical therapist about what kinds of exercises are best for you. Based on your particular knee situation, you may need some modifications. 

Stretching Exercises for Knee Pain

Stretching exercises are the best kind of exercises to improve the range of motion in the lower body and knee joints. This can also make it easier to move your knee. Before you start your stretching exercises, you should spend some time warming up. This can include low-impact activities such as cycling, walking, or any other thing. Once you’re done doing the warm-up, you can get on with the stretching exercises. Here are the best stretching exercises for knee pain.

1. Heel & Calf Stretch

This particular stretching exercise for knee pain targets your lower legs, especially your calf muscles. Here are the steps to do the Heel and Calf Stretch:

  • Face towards a wall
  • Place your hands on the wall and move one foot back as far as possible. Both toes should be facing towards the wall, your heels should be flat.
  • Lean into the stretch and hold for 30 seconds, you should be feeling a stretch in the back of your leg. 
  • Bring your back foot forward and repeat the exercise.
  • Do the same twice for both legs

2. Quadriceps Stretch

This stretching exercise targets your quadriceps. Quadriceps are the muscles at the front of your thighs. Performing this can help in improving the flexibility in your hip flexors and Quadricep muscles. Here are the steps to do this exercise:

  • Stand next to a wall with your shoulders one foot apart from each other
  • Bend one knee so your foot reaches up to your glutes
  • Grab your ankle and gently pull it towards your glutes as much as you can. 
  • Hold for 30 seconds
  • Return to the starting position and change legs
  • Repeat twice for each leg

3. Hamstring Stretch

Hamstring Stretch is another stretching exercise that targets the muscles in the back of your thighs. You should feel this stretch in the back of your leg and up to the base of your glutes. When you flex your foot, you can feel the stretch in your calves. The steps to do this exercise are:

  • To do this exercise, you need to use a mat or cushion under your back. 
  • Lie down flat on the floor or mat and straighten your legs. If you feel more comfortable, you can bend both knees with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Left one leg off the floor
  • Place your hands behind your thighs, just below the knee, and gently pull your knee towards your chest until you feel the stretch. This process shouldn’t be painful. 
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • Bring the leg back down and change legs

Strengthening Exercises for Knee Pain

Apart from stretching exercises, strengthening exercises can also reduce knee pain by reducing the stress on your knee joint. To help strengthen your knees, you need to focus on exercises that take care of your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and hip muscles. Here are the best strengthening exercises for knee pain:

1. Half Squat

Half Squats are probably one of the best ways to strengthen your quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings without putting extra stress on your knees. Here are the steps to do this exercise:

  • Get into a standing squat position. Your feet should be your should length apart. Place your hands on your hips or elevate them in front of you for balance.
  • Look straight ahead, slowly squat down 10 inches, this is the ideal position for a half squat. 
  • Pause for a couple of seconds, then stand up by pushing upwards by your heels
  • Do 2-3 sets of 10 reps

2. Calf Raises

Calf raises are a great way to strengthen the backside of your lower legs, this includes your calf muscles. The steps to do this exercise are:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Position yourself next to a wall or hold a chair for balance.
  • Lift both your heels off the ground so that you’re standing on the balls of your feet. 
  • Slowly bring your heels back down to the original position. Control is essential for doing this exercise and strengthening your calf muscles. 
  • Do 2-3 sets of 10 reps

3. Hamstring Curls

The next strengthening exercise for knee pain is the Hamstring Curls, and it targets your hamstrings and glutes. To do this exercise you need to have a good balance. Follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Stand facing a fall or use a chair for support. Your feet should be hip-width apart. 
  • Lift one foot and bend your knee. Then raise your heel towards the ceiling and move as far back as you can while maintaining your balance.
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds
  • Relax and come back to the starting position
  • Do 2-3 sets of 10 reps for each leg

4. Leg Extension

The leg extension is the easiest exercise for reducing knee pain. If you sit all day long, then you can do leg extensions almost anytime. Leg extensions strengthen your quadriceps and relieve pressure from your knees. To do this exercise, you need to:

  • Sit up straight in a chair
  • Put your feet on the floor, hip-width apart
  • Look straight ahead, contract your thigh muscles and extend one leg as high as possible. Make sure you don’t raise your buttocks off the chair while raising your legs
  • Pause for a few seconds and then bring your leg down
  • Do 2-3 sets of 10 reps for each leg

5. Straight Leg Raises

The straight leg raise strengthens your quadriceps as well as your flexor muscles. While performing the exercise, you can flex your leg and feel your shins tighten. Once you make a habit of doing this exercise, it’ll become easier and easier, you can add a 5-pound weight to build more strength in your legs. 

  • Lie down on the floor with a mat or a cushion under your back
  • On the floor, keep one leg bent and one straight out in front of you
  • Contract the quadriceps of the legs and slowly raise the leg off the floor until it reaches the same height as your bent leg. 
  • Pause for a few seconds, then bring your leg back to the floor
  • Do 2-3 sets of 10 reps for each leg

6. Side Leg Raises

Side Leg raises target your hip adductor muscles and your glutes. They’re one of the best exercises for strengthening your knee exercises. This exercise can help you stand, walk, and improve the range of motion for your legs. Strengthening these muscles can improve your knee pain condition. To do this exercise, the steps are:

Lie on your side with your legs on top of each other. Hold your head in your hand, and place your other hand on the floor in front of you.

Raise your top leg as high as you can comfortable, you should feel the stretch on the side of your hips.

Hold your leg for a few seconds when it’s at the top, then bring it back down. 

Do 2-3 sets of 10 reps for each leg

7. Prone Leg Raises

Prone leg raises are another great leg raise exercise, as this exercise gets easier to do, you can add a 5-pound ankle weight and gradually increase the weight as you build strength in your muscles. The steps for this exercise are:

  • You should lie down on your stomach with your legs straight behind you, you can use your hands to rest on your arms. Make sure to have a cushion or mat beneath you.
  • Engage your glute and hamstring muscles in your left leg and raise your leg as high as can without getting uncomfortable. Be sure to keep your pelvic bones on the floor throughout the exercise.
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds
  • Bring your leg down slowly, and then rest for 2 seconds and then repeat the exercise.
  • Do 2-3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.

Conclusion: Exercises to Reduce Knee Pain

Knee pain can happen anytime, anywhere even if you’re not engaged in a rigorous exercise. Doing simple stretching and strengthening exercises that target muscles that support your knees can reduce pain, improve range of motion and flexibility. 

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