There’s nothing worse than having to wake up in the morning with back pain. Even after having a comfortable bed, if you’re suffering from back pain, it can be a sign of something bigger. If you’re suffering from lower back pain, simple everyday household chores can feel too much to accomplish. The actual cause of your lower back pain can be more than just a twist or bad sitting position. If you wish to lead a healthy life, then you need to learn how to prevent future back pain by getting to the root cause.
Those who ignore their back pain and try to soldier through the pain tend to have long-lasting side effects. Ignoring your constant back pain early on can lead to big problems in the future. Most people’s back pain resolves itself in a week or two at most, but if you’ve been suffering from back pain longer than that, then something else may be causing the pain.
What Causes Back Pain?
Lower back pain is complicated, it can feel like aching, burning, or sharp or dull pain that fluctuates in intensity during several parts of the day. Your back pain could be because of an old injury, or a recent twisting or lifting accident. Most people tend to ignore the severity of their back pain while they should take it very seriously.
There are almost endless reasons for back pain to appear, but some of the biggest and most common reasons include:
- Age: Older individuals are more susceptible to developing back pain and osteoarthritis compared to younger people.
- Occupation: Chances are that your back pain is just an occupational hazard. Employees with jobs that require them to bend, lift heavy things or sit for long periods are most likely to suffer from back pain.
- Obesity: Access weight can lead to back pain as it stresses the spine and back muscles.
- Activity Level: Having a sedentary lifestyle and weak back muscles can be a reason for constant back pain.
- Smoking: Smoking decreases blood flow, reduces your body’s ability to heal, and increases the risk of developing osteoarthritis.
There are so many reasons for chronic back pain and if it goes untreated for a long time, it can become a huge problem. Figure out the reason for your chronic back pain and try to change those things to see if you have some relief. If not, then you may want to visit a spine specialist.
When Should You Visit a Spine Specialist?
A lot of times, back pain appear suddenly, and it’s not too hard to figure out your reason for the pain. After some stretching, resting and pain killers, you’ll most likely keep away from activities that cause you back pain.
In other cases, people who suffer from back pain don’t even remember when it started and what may have been the root cause. Unfortunately, the reason for your back pain isn’t that easy to figure out if several elements in your lifestyle could’ve caused it.
Here are some things that suggest that you should visit a spine specialist:
- Severe Pain: Most individuals have back pain that’s mild and moderate and it goes away on its own. But if you’re suffering from pain that is severe and constant, and there are several times the intensity increases, then you should visit a specialist.
- Persistent Pain: If your back pain lasts longer than 3 months, then you may be suffering from chronic back pain and may require a treatment plan.
- Your Pain Isn’t Limited to Your Back: If your pain is traveling to your legs, and you have numbness or weakness in your hips or legs, and if you’re experiencing tingling in your legs and feet, chances are that you’re suffering from sciatica.
- You Can’t Perform Everyday Activities: If your back pain is affecting how you spend your day then it’s already too late. You should get in touch with a specialist as soon as possible.
- Other Symptoms: Back pain can sometimes be a sign of something serious, like a spinal infection or a spinal tumor. To make sure that your back pain isn’t a symptom of some serious disease, you should act on it as soon as possible.
Final Take: Back Pain
There are tons of ways to treat back pain, including medications, physical therapy, injections, and surgery. You can also try ayurvedic treatments and yoga if you don’t want to go with herbal medications.